31 Days in Proverbs

by Chase Davis

A World in Need of Wisdom

Our world is inundated with information. Never has so much information been available to so many. But with the proliferation of information in this digital age has also come the overwhelming sense that we don’t know how to live wisely. We don’t know how to use the information we have. In our sermon series through the book of Proverbs, God is offering us the opportunity to put our information to use and learn the skill of godly living.

Journey Into 31 Days of Proverbs

Proverbs can be practically woven into your life by reading the book chapter by chapter over the course of a 31 day month. This March, we’re challenging our church to read one chapter of Proverbs a day. It’ll only take around 4 minutes a day to read a Proverbs a day. This can be a great way to study the book of Proverbs with others. By saturating our days with God’s wisdom, we can begin to see the applicability of God’s word more readily. We can pray and seek to see Jesus, the culmination of God’s wisdom, in the everyday situations and challenges we face.

If you want to participate in our 31 Day Bible Reading Challenge, then let us know and we’ll send you a link to a Bible reading plan to help you keep track of the reading.